March 31, 2010


Lately Sasha has been fascinated with time telling. He likes to look at the clock and ask me what time it is or tell me what time it is at the moment. So far he can tell time by the hour and half hour. He likes to say to me, "mama it is 2 o'clock" while pointing his finger to the clock or "look mama it is 7:30." I definitely give credit to flash cards for Sasha's successful time telling. I have been showing Sasha flash cards of time by the hour and half hour only. Now I am planning to show him the rest of the flash cards.

March 17, 2010

Shichida Class

Its finally the last day of Sasha's Shichida school for this term. Sasha is getting better at all of the exercises. His motor skills are improving everyday. Today, Sasha did the maze exercises all by himself and he did them very well. The mazes that Shichida school uses are ranging from simple to complex ones. The ones used in the class today were pretty challenging. One of the mazes shaped like a shoe complete with the lace as seen on the picture.

cut and paste for finger training exercise. Sasha did the cutting by himself and it was perfectly right on.

March 15, 2010

First Day

Today is Sasha's first day at his new school. It is an everyday class starting from 8:00AM to 10:00AM. One of the reasons my husband and I chose this school is because of its academic structure. The program incorporates early writing and reading skills in all of the class activities which are in line with the Shichida method teaching. I like the fact that Sasha's preschool teacher is teaching him how to hold a pencil from early on.

March 09, 2010

The Homework

Here are a few pictures of Sasha's homework from Shichida school.

March 06, 2010

Back in Jakarta

We are back in Jakarta and Sasha is back to his routine. Last night Sasha did almost the whole set of flash cards totaling more than 500 cards. Today before his Kindyroo class we did a set of critical thinking and a few pages of numbers homework from Shichida. The homework consist of exercises that involve circling the object that is bigger, drawing lines, counting out loud from 1 to 30, determining which box has less objects and so on. Sasha seemed to enjoy doing these exercises. I will post the pictures soon.