September 16, 2010

Top 20 Food List

Food that Sasha loves to eat and can finish in a second:
1. Noodle
2. Rice
3. Tomatoes
4. Spinach
5. Chicken
6. Any kind of Soup
7. Seaweed (nori)
8. French fries
9. Rice porridge
12.Meat sauce spaghetti
15.Japanese strawberry short cake
18.Japanese Hamburger set
19.Bread with nutella
20.Corn pretzel

September 15, 2010

Pride and Joy

I consider myself lucky that Sasha has grown to be a pretty easy child. He likes to eat his food even though he has a thing about onion (he refuses to eat it and can distinguish onion as one of the ingredients), he likes to go to school, loves to study and has a good manner. I truly believe that I owe all of this to the Shichida method teaching. The combination of Shichida method training and attending a good school play a significant part in shaping Sasha's life.