January 12, 2011

Impact of Surroundings

Sasha does not watch television at home nor has he ever seen any commercial movies with us. My husband and I, we do not watch television programs even tough they are at our disposal in front of Sasha. I do let Sasha watches the educational Anpanman and Shichida Right Brain training DVD movies to improve his Japanese. However, it is inevitable to control television watching when Sasha is out and about in other people household. First came "Barney" then "Dora the Explorer" and the latest was a movie called "Garuda di Dadaku." I am just happy that Sasha does not demand to watch television at home.


  1. HI,

    where can I get a copy of shichida right brain training dvd for japanese?

  2. Hi Reei, we bought it in Japan. Do you speak Japanese? you might want to check out www.shichida.com. Good luck.

  3. oh, I check out shichida.com, unfortunately they do not sell to overseas customer.
    I'll see if I can get it through Shichida Hong Kong, thanks.
