June 27, 2010


Sasha has just mastered his tricycle a few days ago. Everyday he rides his tricycle enthusiastically around the house. And since today is a car-free day along Sudirman street and Thamrin street, we took him to ride his tricycle on the street circling the Welcome Statue fountain.

Sasha's Radio Flyer tricycle.

June 21, 2010

Summer Vacation

Sasha is on a summer break from school so we try to use his free times as efficient as possible. For the first vacation week, we went to Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua about 90 KM from Jakarta. Taman Safari is literary a wildlife safari park and home to many endangered animals one of which is the Sumatran elephant. There Sasha got to see the elephants that he loves so much.

Then Sasha went to have a ride on an elephant and a pony.

June 14, 2010

Pre-nursery Progress Report

Sasha finally received his first progress report card from his homeroom teacher last week. The report was very positive and said that Sasha had no trouble adjusting to the routines in class. For example, he enjoys singing, doing action songs, reciting nursery rhymes and listening to stories. His teacher also mentioned that Sasha can turn from one task to another with ease because of his versatility. Good job Sasha.

June 06, 2010


Using scissors is one of Sasha's forte. He can cut straight lines as well as slanted. He understands the concept of cutting using scissors from early on. He is very curious when seeing art and craft that has to use a scissors. He knows that he is only allow to use the small, for kid, scissors. I am lucky that Sasha does not show any interest in playing with my big scissors that I normally use. Here are some of the artworks that Sasha made using scissors recently:

June 02, 2010


Sasha's favorite: fountains. I think he is happiest when he can stand by the fountain.